Data can be configured, transmitted, and recieved, either via the bus, or to and from files. The data stream can be triggered by events, RTs can be filtered, and the recorded data can be played back for analysis. Error injection can be simulated. Messages can be viewed in standard (scrolling) mode, or in a static "Engineering Units" monitor mode. The Engineering database can be user-customised to display selected RTs and sub-addresses.
Merlin MCH supports BC, RT and Monitor modes on all cards in the EXC-1553 MCH families.
Merlin Plus supports BC/RT, RT, and Sequential Monitor modes on all cards in the EXC-1553 Px families.
For real time data monitoring, use Exalt.
Excalibur Systems can create custom-designed applications to meet your specific requirements - just call our sales office to discuss your needs.