Excalibur’s Inline MACC-TJ is a complete Miniature Airborne Communications Converter designed to convert bidirectional messages between MIL-STD-1553/1760 and Serial (RS-232/422/485). 

Its compact ruggedized assembly and enclosure is designed to meet a wide range of environmental requirements. Small, light, low power and versatile, the mini MACC translates MIL-STD 1553/1760 data packets into RS-232/422/485 serial data and vice versa, for extreme field applications.

BC to RT messages are translated into serial packets with a header designed in conjunction with the user. The data, including the command word, is transmitted as is following the serial header.

Serial packets coming from the RS-232/422/485 interfaces are stored in the appropriate subaddress data area for transmission upon receipt of an RT to BC command word.

The ES-9100/XxJx  conforms to MIL-STD-454 requirements for process, parts and workmanship.


Ordering Information: 

Part Number    Description


Inline MACC MIL-STD-1553/1760 to RS-232/422/485 bidirectional converter   


Note:      "x”   specifies a protocol.  

                "z"   specifies firmware revision to be supplied by Excalibur

Xx* - MIL-STD-1553/1760

One single function channel

T1 = 1553 transformer coupled     T2 = 1553 direct coupled

H1 = 1760 transformer coupled     H2 = 1760 direct coupled

Jx* - RS232/422/485             

One channel RS-232/422/485 

J1 = RS-232     J2 = RS-422     J3 = RS-485


Additional Options:

-H      Harness Mounting Configuration

-B       Bulkhead Mounting Configuration

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